Hello, bonjour, salut, etc. !


I’m Kelsey Rose (Williams) Barthés—hi! I’m the Archivist of the Eames Office, a freelance historian and writer, hobbyist photographer, modern architecture preservation advocate, and French learner. Wow—that’s a mouthful!

As an incredibly curious, sentimental, and sensitive person, it’s easy for me to attach importance to stories and places. So, most of my life and work have revolved around history and geography. My educational background is in Art History (with an emphasis on the Modern Era) and Museum Studies, with a Master’s in Archives. You’ll see that my writings are soaked in my admiration and care for historic places, objects, and the people who came before us.

I’m American and I live in the French Basque Country.

Website | Instagram | Book Recs | Shop Absolument - coming soon!!!


In every language that I am even a tad bit aware of, I confidently know the word for “yes.” It is probably my most utilized word in English, and definitely my go-to when I’m speaking French. When je suis fatiguée, it’s so much easier to say either “yes” or “no” than to explain the nuances of my thoughts and feelings. In the moments when I feel another layer of enthusiasm (think: an equivalent to “oh-my-goodness, yes!!!”), I reach for “absolutely!” You’ll often hear me say this word with a huge smile attached to my face.

I wanted to create a space for the varied ideas that make me internally and/or externally say “ABSOLUTELY.” And since I’m living in France now—let’s sport ABSOLUMENT instead.

Many of these writings may have a theme, and some will be a weekly hodgepodge of what’s happening during my frequent daydreaming. I’m a visual thinker, excitable, and a huge information dork, so buckle up!

SUBSCRIBE if you adore and have an interest in:

Clockwise from top left: Isamu Noguchi's Miss Expanding Universe; collage of Gio Ponti; Bode; Gaugin's Portrait of a Young Woman, Vaite (Jeanne) Goupil; Le Corbusier's Keyboard of Colors; vintage wedding dresses

If you choose to subscribe, every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. And, I’d be overjoyed!

I am also a huge fan of Substack Notes. So, if you have an account, you’ll likely see me writing short-form posts about ideas/photographs that interest me in the moment, or restacking other people’s wonderful writings.

In the making: an Absolument shop that features vintage objects that I’ve researched and written about on this channel.

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À tout a l’heure !

Kelsey Rose

PS — If you’re on a language learning journey, like me, I recommend checking out Duolingo and/or Lingoda!

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Art, architecture, books, fashion, and a little bit of France living.


Kelsey Rose Williams is the Eames Office Archivist; historian and writer; and architecture preservation advocate. She lives in the French Basque Country. ABSOLUMENT is a culmination of the things to which she says: "yes, absolutely!"