Was so excited to read this when it showed up in my inbox! I am so drawn to anything about watercolor these days so of course I had to pre-order Jessie’s book. It was such a nice little surprise at the end to see my Substack mentioned. Thank you for including that last note!

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I loved what you wrote about Elsa Schiaparelli and can't wait to read more of your writing! Excited for you to experiment and learn alongside Jessie's book too! Happiness all around!

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I LOVE this installment! And I'm so glad you are painting again!

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Thank you Sarah! I'm on layer three of the oil painting...and counting!

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I need this! I just bought some beautiful new watercolors and kind of don't know how to use them 🤣

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Yes, I totally wrote this book just for you!

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Ok, I'm sold! ❣️

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Her book is FULL of tips!! Seriously, I pulled my set out and am excited to get to work finally learning the proper techniques!

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I love it, I’ll have to get it!

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